Distributed Ontological Encoding Through Symbol Recirculation.
Costa J.
Master's Thesis
Advisors: Dr. Pablo Duboué, Dr. Francisco Tamarit.
F.A.M.A.F., Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Argentina, 2003.
The goal was to obtain, through symbol recirculation using neural networks,
distributed, "intelligent" representations of the nodes in an
ontology that incorporate semantic knowledge about their role in
the network. Such ontologies were extracted from WordNet. The expressiveness of the results was extensively tested. The method may be used in the context of automatic word sense disambiguation.
Segmentation of Anatomical Structures of the Lower Abdomen using 3D Deformable Surfaces.
Costa, J.
Ph.D. Thesis, March 2008
An Efficient Locally Affine Framework for the Smooth Registration of Anatomical Structures.
Commowick O., Arsigny V., Isambert A., Costa J., et al.
Medical Image Analysis 2008
Automatic Segmentation of Bladder and Prostate Using Coupled 3D Deformable Models.
Costa J., et al.
Automatic Segmentation of the Bladder Using Deformable Models.
Costa, J., et al.
ISBI 2007
An Efficient Locally Affine Framework for the Registration of Anatomical Structures.
Commowick O., Arsigny V., Costa J., Ayache N. and Malandain G.
ISBI 2006
Towards an automatic delineation of lower abdomen structures for conformational radiotherapy based on CT images.
Costa J., et al.
SFPM 2005.
Distributed Ontological Encoding Through Symbol Recirculation.
Costa J., Duboue P.
ASAI 2004.
Distributed Ontological Encoding Through Symbol Recirculation.
Costa J.
Master's Thesis, 2003.